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Category : Culture Jewelry
Malachite is a beautiful decorative stone. Its rich, patterned coloration in shades of green is unique among gems. Malachite’s low hardness makes it easy to work, though it still takes a polish very well. These qualities, combined with ready availability
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Category : Tanzanite & Jewelry
the official color of tanzanite is blue but we have the fancy color of tanzanite, that is purple tanzanite, golden yellow tanzanite,pink tanzanite and green tanzanite
tanzanite is the official birthstone for december.the gem is also believed to attract energies of good luck, wealth, and success propelling you into your best life.
tanzanite is the official birthstones for december,tanzanite is a stone with many properties. beyond its unprecedented beauty, intense range of blues, and rarity, tanzanite has often been associated with new life and new beginnings. the stone can be gifted for
iolite is a stone of vision that exudes clear communication and cosmic connections, guiding ancient explorers and aiding in soul exploration.
Black Tourmaline crystal stone is an excellent crystal for everyone because it’s the bodyguard stone that provides protection and elimination of negative energy. Wear it as jewelry, keep it in your car, place it all over the house, near computers. Seriou
Sandstone treats wounds and broken bones. It improves water retention and assists in the restoration of degenerative eyesight, weak fingernails and thinning hair.
Apatite helps to clear and strengthen the throat chakra, which helps to heal the heart and open the mind to spiritual guidance. This process makes us stronger communicators, both in our personal lives and in business.